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AIR 023 | Abandon Google unlikely, he left an Assistant-level search engine

![Alt AIR 023 Abandon Google unlikely, he left an Assistant-level search engine](https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8817/28833113862_0dc1340c0f_b.jpg)Dekang Lin, senior management scientist was first in Google, then Google unlikely, decided to start running business, founder of artificial intelligence company singular wit.Think Google is not reliable? Because we did not know, however, today's Global Summit on artificial intelligence and robotics, dekang Lin, the current progress of our engines are from search engines to question-and-answer engine, advanced language and natural language recognition. However, the predictable, the ultimate goal should be to–Action Engine (social engine).Can't do the search engines are not good for the user AIIf we want to know the heart of annual rainfall, so search engines can be completed, such as Microsoft's products. From the search results page, we can see lots of search results header content looks good, seems to answer your question. But really, this is flawed. Because by the time we see these results, why?![Alt AIR 023 Abandon Google unlikely, he left an Assistant-level search engine](https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8774/28322025823_da6bc7531f_b.jpg)Dekang Lin introduced him in the last few years Google is to lead a team in the development of a question-and-answer products. This question-and-answer products can be obtained from the user needs in one of the scenes, such as when you have a specific problem you want to search, which you can find answers to the questions directly to the user. In General, the search results are set to search key words in bold, but if it is a QA finding results, it would be able to answer directly in front of users, so you can see more clearly.![Alt AIR 023 Abandon Google unlikely, he left an Assistant-level search engine](https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8344/28861615331_1e5fa3441d_b.jpg)To cite an example, we need to search for "what is the fastest bird", the system had to learn the keywords, learning some things, and then directly to the user show "Falcon (pictures)."![Alt AIR 023 Abandon Google unlikely, he left an Assistant-level search engine](https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8159/28937848335_d4b0b063e5_b.jpg)"There are times when you really want to do something, for example, wants to buy a plane ticket, Google's QA system can not meet the demand, but you can do a lot of advertising for you. "Probably this is the reason why he thought Google's wide of the mark.![Alt AIR 023 Abandon Google unlikely, he left an Assistant-level search engine](https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8761/28906045866_2a5865633f_b.jpg)"It is from the voice to the favorable opportunity of natural language understanding" Incipio iPhone 6+ caseDekang Lin said now is actually an era from the voice to the development of natural language understanding, and belongs to the threshold comparison window. "We got out to do a voice Assistant product, is the one that you have requested, we can help you put the thing to do. ”![Alt AIR 023 Abandon Google unlikely, he left an Assistant-level search engine](https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8634/28937861135_dd932d86d7_b.jpg)According to dekang Lin's introduction, there is such a product, users express demand, products will help you perform, when you use the app to get certain services in the future, like an invisible finger to help you.Search engines, answer engine, Answer AssistantIt comes from search engines to answer engine to Answer Assistant changes, we can compare the difference between search engines and answer engine.Dekang Lin said, when I do a search, you need to find something to actually hand–are the key words. "You just need to know the address to look, and found the place a reliable website would be nice. "But when answer engine, the situation is not so simple.![Alt AIR 023 Abandon Google unlikely, he left an Assistant-level search engine](https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8813/28319350964_c6505e04e0_b.jpg)You have to know what you are looking for. When we do question and answer system, use of background files actually found the answer, and then renders the results to answer the front, this is the best result.Now Microsoft is doing this, but Microsoft answered the system has other uses.![Alt AIR 023 Abandon Google unlikely, he left an Assistant-level search engine](https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8798/28937875035_c50faf8a86_b.jpg)In fact, the quiz engine operation will first do a normal search, special places lies in the follow-up process. User question "what enzyme breaks down starch", the first step is to know what things users ask is, so it will first find the enzyme. The second step, the system will bring together all related results, indicators and results scored. According to the mark to identify the most likely path to achieve goals, identify Focus Words. INCIPIO iPhone 6 Plus Case"These word problems are included in the statement, after easily can use this to write a pattern matching Words to find Focus, very simple way to reach more than 90% of accuracy. ” Then, if the problem is not WHO do? Dekang Lin explains: "it depends on WHO the results of what is similar, and even had the same answer, then you can go there to find, and thus can know what would be its Focus Words. ”Alt INCIPIO iPhone 6 Plus CaseIn other words, quiz engine compared to the search engine has more semantic understanding of the relationship. However, search engines and question answering engine is to give the user some information, but still require the user to perform some complex actions and needs. Action Engine (active engine) target on this "intelligent was not thorough enough pain point", I hope to be able to help user to perform something. This is a combination search engine and voice Assistant.![Alt AIR 023 Abandon Google unlikely, he left an Assistant-level search engine](https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8583/28833164712_3ac8b2657b_b.jpg)"So tiny, you don't have to," said Lin dekang.